Denzel’s journey...

Denzel is a twelve year old boy, who has been drawing since he was a one year old. He could draw before he could walk. Holding a pencil came easily and effortlessly to him. Denzel could sit for hours as a toddler drawing, whilst his friends were busy running around.

Denzel was obsessed with cars from a very young age. He would sit , line them up in a row and stare at them for ages, absorbing all the intricate detail of each car. Denzel knew every make and model of a car by two, that his first drawing was of a car.

How all this changed when he started 3 year old Kindergarten. His drawings took a totally different direction. Most of the kids in his class were girls. This is where he got his inspiration from. Majority of them wore pink, loved glitter, dressed up as fairies, princesses or mermaids, wore sparkly shoes and pretty accessories. He started to become infatuated with the colour pink, that he even created a character called “Pinkie”.

When Denzel started school at the age of 5, his drawings reached a new level. He got his inspiration from fashion, fantasy and fairytales. Denzel always started and finished his day drawing. This was his form of mediatation. He is also a perfectionist when it comes to his drawings. He will keep drawing until he gets the exact picture that he has in his head onto the paper. Even if it takes him a hundred attempts to get the shape or style right. He won’t give up until he has mastered it.

By the time Denzel was 7 years old, he started doing portrait drawings. He taught himself how to shade to give his characters a 3D effect. Bringing his characters facial expressions come to life.

What makes Denzel Dezignz so unique is that it is drawn by a 12 year old boy. Who has an eye for detail, a flare for fashion and a love for colour. His pictures tell a story. There is lots of movement and expression in his drawings. You can see the expressions he uses in their eyes. He makes their legs come alive by positioning them to look like they are either walking, knealing, cross legged, posing, sitting, modelling, flying or swimming. Denzel’s pictures paint a thousand words.

So the Denzel Dezignz journey begins